The Author 
Frankly I want to stay anonymous but visitors might wonder
who would set up a site such as this and what my motives are so I'm forced to say
something about myself.
So what can anyone say about himself? This is extremely
difficult, believe me.
My name's Pol. Last name's Lanting for anyone interested.
I've lived on and off the islands of Leyte and Samar for the past decade and a half.
Originally from Metro Manila (Quezon City), one can say that I have travelled pretty much
more than the average Filipino both in and out of the Philippines. It was some two years
ago that my nomadic ways were cut short by "family pressure", that is, my wife
and son threatened me with bodily harm if I can't plant my feet on the same contiguous
patch of land for six months. That's when I got seriously tied up in these islands.
What I do for a living is directly proportional to what I had
for breakfast that particular morning. Well at least that's what some of my friends tell
me of my career. I've been both employee and employer, the subordinate and the boss, the
pencil pusher and the adventurer, the bespectacled computer nerd and the daring hiker and
diver. My background extends from being an officer in the military, an editor of a local
newspaper, a nature photographer, a media production specialist to being a father of three
and a master to a St. Bernard. Now I work when I want to, and bum around when I don't.
(Nice life eh?)
Hope this satisfies your curiosity. If you want to know more
then we have to exchange notes. Contact me. I
assure you I don't bite. See 'ya!

Hello from my son too!
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